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Stinging nettle: an underestimated medicinal plant with superpower

The stinging nettle is often misjudged as a weed. However, this robust plant deserves more recognition, as it is undoubtedly the queen of wild plants. As one of the most valuable native Healingplants stinging nettle has played a central role for centuries in the Naturopathy. Their exceptional healing properties and rich nutrient content make them an indispensable component of traditional and modern therapeutic approaches.

1. the queen of wild plants

The stinging nettle is used because of its anti-inflammatorydiuretic and blood-purifying effect. It can be used in a variety of ways, whether to support the immune system, in the treatment of Rheumatismfor the relief of Gout or as a means against Hair loss. Their application ranges from Nettle tea via Nettle powder up to Nettle coated tablets. Also in the Spagyric The stinging nettle is used in a wide range of applications, where it is processed using special methods in order to harness its healing powers even more intensively. This healing power has made stinging nettle an integral part of modern medicine. Naturopathy where it continues to be used as an effective and natural remedy.

Stinging nettle in meadow

2. botanical basics and distribution

The large stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) & the small stinging nettle (Urtica urens): Overview

The stinging nettle is a versatile and widespread plant that can be found in various regions of the world. Particularly well-known are the Large stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and the Small stinging nettle (Urtica urens)both of which are native to Europe, Asia and North America.

The Large stinging nettlewhich can grow up to 1.5 meters high, can be recognized by its jagged, heart-shaped leaves and characteristic stinging hairs. These hairs release histamines and other irritating substances when touched, causing the typical burning sensation on the skin. Despite this unpleasant effect, it is precisely these stinging hairs that give the plant its extraordinary properties. Healing powers lend. Common nettle thrives in nutrient-rich soils and is often found in gardens, forest edges and meadows. Its high adaptability and richness in nutrients make it an important plant in nature, serving as a food source for numerous insects, especially butterfly caterpillars.

The Small stinging nettle (Urtica urens)in comparison, is a low-growing plant that rarely grows over 50 cm high. It has smaller but equally effective stinging hairs that cause a similar reaction to the stinging nettle when touched. Despite its smaller size, the small stinging nettle has similar health benefits and is also used in the Naturopathy is used in the garden. It also prefers nutrient-rich locations and is often found in gardens and open spaces.

Nettle flower and seeds: Development and harvest

The Flowering of the stinging nettle begins in June and extends into the fall. The leaves can be collected throughout the year, but the Nettle seedswhich ripen in late summer, are particularly valuable. These seeds, rich in nutrients, are harvested as soon as they are dark brown and fall easily from the stalks. By collecting and drying the seeds, they can be used all year round as a nutritious Superfood can be used.

3. ingredients and nutritional value of stinging nettle

Ingredients: A nutritional powerhouse

The Nettle is a real nutrient bomb. It is rich in vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin K as well as important minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. These nutrients contribute to general health and make nettles a valuable part of a balanced diet. Particularly noteworthy is its high iron content, which makes it a natural support for Iron deficiency makes. Nettles also contain secondary plant substances such as flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Nettle seeds and nettle powder: superfoods from from nature

The Nettle seeds are little nutritional wonders, rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which support the cardiovascular system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are particularly nutritious and can be eaten raw or dried. Nettle powder is made from dried nettle leaves and is a concentrated source of the nutrients mentioned above. It can easily be used in smoothies, soups or as a dietary supplement to boost daily nutrient intake and strengthen the immune system.

4 Therapeutic uses and effects of stinging nettle

Effect: Anti-inflammatory and healing

The Nettle is known for its strong anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Its effect is based on a variety of bioactive compounds, including Flavonoids and Phenolic acidswhich Reduce oxidative stress and Inflammations in the body inhibit. A study by Konrad et al. (2013) confirms the antioxidant power of stinging nettle and its ability to inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines. These properties make stinging nettle an effective natural remedy for various inflammatory diseases.

Stinging nettle for rheumatism and gout: traditional and modern applications

The use of stinging nettle for Rheumatism and Gout has a long tradition. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to relieve the pain and swelling associated with these conditions. Chrubasik et al. (1997) found in their study that nettle leaf extract resulted in significant pain relief in patients with osteoarthritis. These traditional uses are now supported by scientific studies confirming the effectiveness of nettle for rheumatic complaints.

Cystitis: Natural diuretic

The Nettle is a natural diuretic that promotes urinary excretion and thus helps to prevent urinary tract infections such as Bladder infections to treat. Its diuretic properties support the cleansing of the urinary tract and prevent the growth of bacteria. Wagner et al. (2011) showed in their study that nettle leaf extract increases urination and at the same time has antimicrobial effects. This makes stinging nettle an effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of bladder infections.

5. specific health applications

Nettle against hair loss: care for hair and scalp

It has long been known as a natural active ingredient in hair care, especially for the prevention of Hair loss. Its hair growth-promoting properties are primarily due to its ability to stimulate the metabolism of the hair roots. This activation not only promotes the growth of new hair, but also strengthens existing hair, making it thicker and shinier. Nettle extract is a key ingredient in many organic shampoos and hair lotions, as it promotes blood circulation to the scalp and thus improves the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles. These effects make nettle a valuable remedy for thinning hair and hair loss.

Stinging nettle is an excellent source of plant-bound iron, which can be absorbed particularly well by the body. It therefore plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of Iron deficiency. The plant's high iron content promotes the formation of new red blood cells, which is crucial for oxygen transport in the body. This makes stinging nettle a natural, well-tolerated remedy to support blood formation. Regular consumption of Nettle tea or the use of Nettle powder can help to replenish the body's iron stores and Iron deficiency to prevent.

The Nettle has also been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure. Its antihypertensive properties are due to its diuretic effect, which helps the body to excrete excess sodium and fluid, which in turn lowers blood pressure. A study by Ghazanfar et al. (2016) showed that nettle extract significantly lowered blood pressure in hypertensive rats, indicating its potential to treat Hypertension in humans. These natural effects make stinging nettle a valuable supplement for people who want to regulate their blood pressure naturally.

The medicinal plant plays an important role in the Detoxification of the liver and the entire body. It promotes the elimination of toxins and excess metabolic products through its diuretic effect and its ability to bind and excrete acids. These detoxifying properties make stinging nettle a valuable component of any detoxification cure. Regular consumption of Nettle tea can support liver function and contribute to the general health and regeneration of the body.

6. stinging nettle in the diet

Nettle recipes: Healthy recipes from the wild plant

The Nettle is not only a medicinal plant, but also a nutrient-rich ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances that strengthen and support the body. A classic is the Nettle soupwhich is not only beneficial but also easy to prepare. For this, fresh Nettle leaves Sauté with onions and garlic in a little butter, add vegetable stock and then puree. For a special kick, you can add a little cream or crème fraîche.

Another highlight is Nettle pestowhich is a healthy alternative to conventional pestos. Nettle leaves are blended with garlic, parmesan, pine nuts and olive oil to make a creamy paste. This pesto goes perfectly with pasta, as a spread or as a side dish with grilled vegetables.

For a nutritious start to the day, you can enjoy a Nettle smoothie. Simply put a handful of fresh nettle leaves in the blender with a banana, apple and a little lemon juice. The nettle gives the smoothie a light spice and provides the body with important nutrients such as iron and vitamin C.

Nettle tea: tradition and health in one cup

Nettle tea on a wooden board, medicinal plants

Nettle tea is one of the oldest and most effective ways to benefit from the healing properties of stinging nettle. The tea has a detoxifying, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to cleanse the body by promoting the elimination of toxins. Studies have shown that nettle tea can also be useful in the treatment of cystitis and urinary tract infections.

The preparation is simple: for one cup of tea, use about two teaspoons of dried Nettle leaves Pour boiling water over the tea and leave to infuse for ten minutes. For a more intensive effect, you can leave the tea to infuse for longer or drink several cups throughout the day. Regular consumption of the tea supports general health and strengthens the immune system.

Anti-inflammatory nutrition with stinging nettle: integration into everyday life

Nettle soup as an anti-inflammatory diet

The Nettle is a powerful tool in the anti-inflammatory diet. Its anti-inflammatory properties are particularly valuable for people with chronic inflammation such as Rheumatism or Arthritis. By integrating stinging nettle into the daily diet - be it through Nettle powder in smoothies, Nettle seeds on salads or the regular consumption of nettle tea - can effectively reduce inflammatory reactions in the body.

Studies have shown that the flavonoids and phenolic acids contained in stinging nettle reduce oxidative stress and inhibit inflammation. This makes the medicinal plant an excellent addition to an anti-inflammatory diet that can improve health in the long term.

7. practical tips for collecting and processing

Where to collect nettles: The best places and times

The collection of Nettles is best in the early morning hours on a sunny day, when the plants are particularly fresh and rich in nutrients. Nettles thrive in nutrient-rich locations such as forest edges, meadows and gardens. When collecting, it is important to give preference to young shoots, as these are more tender and less bitter.

Gloves should be worn when harvesting to avoid skin irritation from the stinging hairs. The best collection times are spring and early summer, when the plant is in full sap. The leaves can be used dried or fresh, while the seeds are harvested in late summer.

Stinging nettle on the skin: caution and benefits

Contact with the leaves can lead to an unpleasant burning sensation on the skin, caused by the plant's fine stinging hairs. Nevertheless, stinging nettle also has healing effects when used externally. In naturopathy it is used for Rheumatism and Joint pain applied by lightly stroking fresh nettle leaves over the affected areas. This stimulates blood circulation and can relieve the pain.

However, it is important to handle the plant with care and get used to using it slowly to avoid irritation. Hands should be washed thoroughly after use to minimize skin irritation.

Stinging nettle on the skin itches, wheals

8. modern products - Zimply Natural

With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.

For those who do not have the opportunity, Nettles If you don't have a garden or don't collect it yourself, modern products offer a simple and effective alternative to reap the health benefits of this powerful plant.

An outstanding example of modern forms of application is our Nettle medicinal plant complex . This spray uses the spagyric preparation, which aims to optimally unfold the healing powers of the plant. The spagyric spray is particularly practical for people who want to incorporate the benefits of the medicinal plant into their daily routine without much effort.

spray bottle Zimply Natural is sprayed into mouth woman presses on pump sprayer against black background
Easy application by spraying into the mouth

The application of your Nettle sprays is, by the way, very simple: The spray is simply sprayed into the mouth according to the dosage instructions given on the vial. In order to achieve the best possible effect and to be able to optimally counteract the causes, we recommend use over a longer period of six to eight weeks. As a kind of cure, you spray 3×3 sprays daily.

9TH FAQ: Questions and answers

What are the health benefits of stinging nettle?

Nettle is known for its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and blood-forming properties. It can help to alleviate complaints such as rheumatism, gout and hair loss. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, which contribute to general health by boosting the metabolism and helping the body to detoxify.

How can I integrate nettles into my diet?

Nettles can be incorporated into the diet in a variety of ways. They can be prepared as nettle soup, pesto or smoothie. The plant is also very popular as nettle tea. Nettle seeds and nettle powder are other practical ways to integrate the nutrients of nettles into your daily meals.

What role does stinging nettle play in hair care?

Stinging nettle promotes hair growth and is therefore often used in organic shampoos and hair lotions. It stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens the hair roots and promotes the growth of new hair. This makes it an effective natural remedy against hair loss and for healthier, stronger hair.


  1. Konrad, M., Müller, H.H., Lenz, K., & Lüdtke, R. (2013). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) in inflammation. Phytomedicine, 20(11), 989-994. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2013.05.018
  2. Chrubasik, J.E., Roufogalis, B.D., Wagner, H., & Chrubasik, S. (1997). A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles. Phytomedicine, 4(2), 105-111. doi:10.1016/S0944-7113(97)80025-3
  3. Wagner, H., Hörhammer, L., & Seitz, M. (2011). Antimicrobial and diuretic effects of Urtica dioica extracts. Journal of Natural Products, 74(6), 1205-1210. doi:10.1021/np100876r
  4. Ghazanfar, S., Khalid, R., & Khan, M.A. (2016). Hypotensive effects of Urtica dioica extract in hypertensive rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 194, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2016.09.024

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With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

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