Metabolism - simply explained

Metabolism - simply explained What is it about In the first module of this webinar series, you will learn from our speaker Annic Scholer in just under 45 minutes the most important information about metabolism and receive valuable tips on prevention and measures. The following modules cover the topics of imbalances and metabolic diseases, natural detoxification and intestinal cleansing, as well as a look at [...]

When the little (hot) hunger comes: Understanding causes and finding solutions

Brunette woman bites with pleasure in donut with beige glaze and sprinkles

When the little (hot) hunger comes: Understanding causes and finding solutions What is it about Cravings are more than just an annoyance; they can lead to unwanted weight gain and even fuel it further. Obesity and weight loss are complex issues that require a holistic approach. Many factors are interrelated and influence each other. Therefore, it is important to [...]

Hormones and yoga - the all-round feel-good package

woman in nature practicing yoga

Hormones and Yoga - the all-round feel-good package Content Our speaker Bettina shows you how you can get your hormone balance going again with the help of yoga! Be there for valuable tips and tricks around hormone balance - no matter what phase of life you are in! Useful approaches for your everyday life This is what you take with menopause [...]

Conscious breathing and its positive effect on your body and mind

Conscious breathing and its positive effect on your body and mind Contents Why is breathing important? Discover the many aspects of breathing and its positive effect on your body and mind Your connection to the nervous system: Learn how you can influence your nervous system through conscious breathing and move from stress to relaxation The biomechanical perspective: Learn to [...]

Good sleep - the key to optimal health and performance

The invisible superpower: Why good sleep is the key to optimal health and performance Content In this webinar, Chris looks at the topic of "healthy sleep" from all sides. Because sleep is still treated very stepmotherly in our society. You could say: sleep has a PR problem. Often you hear from people sentences like "Sleep can [...]

Cellular power plants and energy: How you can increase your efficiency

Cell Power and Energy: How to Increase Your Performance Content Are you ready to take your energy and performance to a new level? Let's unleash your energy together to achieve your dreams and goals! Register now for free for our webinar - Seats are limited - secure your spot now! Useful [...]

Migraine and headaches - Diet can help!

Migraine and headaches - diet can help! Content Headaches are widespread. Each of us has certainly had a headache at some point. The causes of headaches are often very diverse, but nutrition can also play a role. Migraine, a particularly severe type of headache, is one of those diseases where doctors are often at a loss and [...]

Our thyroid gland: small organ, big effect!

Our thyroid gland: small organ, big effect! Content Do you know this too? Do you have cold hands and feet all the time? Do you hardly feel warm? Your energy level has been better before? You are gaining weight and don't know why? Your digestion doesn't work the way you want it to and your concentration is also slowly [...]

Physical symptoms - psychological causes

Physical Symptoms - Mental Causes Content You feel unwell, but don't know where it comes from? You would like to finally have some clarity about your current state of health? With our webinar we want to support you. You will learn why physical symptoms can have psychological causes. You will learn what the mental causes of the three classic common diseases [...]

Your liver: With nutrients to well-being

Your liver: opening the door to well-being with nutrients Contents Your liver acts in your metabolism like the conductor of an orchestra that delights you with beautiful melodies. If your liver is not doing well, it affects your body and mind in equal measure. This organ not only breaks down nutrients and detoxifies, it also produces hormones [...]