Intestinal health - Parasites and worms

contribution picture for webinar parasites with annic scholer

Intestinal health - parasites and worms What is it all about Intestinal health is an essential part of our well-being. However, parasites and worms can impair the functioning of our digestive system and lead to a variety of complaints. These uninvited guests can be transmitted through contaminated water, contaminated food or contact with infected people or animals. Symptoms of a parasitic [...]

Strong together against rheumatism: causes, symptoms and treatment options

contribution picture for webinar on rheumatism with throsten schmitt

Let's talk: Strong together against rheumatism: causes, symptoms and treatment options What is it about Rheumatism is a collective term for more than 100 different diseases that affect muscles, tendons, ligaments and, above all, joints. The most common form is rheumatoid arthritis, but osteoarthritis, gout and systemic lupus erythematosus are also rheumatic diseases. Typical symptoms of [...]

Intestinal health - special intolerances

contribution picture for webinar on gut health and histamine with annic scholer

Let's talk: Sleep disorders are female What it's about Intolerances to certain foods are widespread in today's society and can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to serious health problems. While most people cope well with conventional foods, there is a group of people who have specific food [...].

Let's talk: Sleep disorders are female

contribution picture for fb and lp webinar on sleep disorders in women with andrea mohr

Let's talk: Sleep disorders are female What are they about Sleep disorders can occur more frequently in women than in men and have various causes. Hormonal changes in connection with menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause and other stages of life can influence sleep. Together with Andrea Mohr, we look at possible correlations and give you ideas for improving your sleep and therefore your [...]

Digestive hero: The importance of eating right for good digestion

contribution picture for webinar on digestion-friendly nutrition with christiane dejong

Digestive hero: The importance of eating right for good digestion What it's all about The gut and digestion are the gateway to health. Wisdom from healers of the past points this out across all eras and cultures, such as "All diseases begin in the gut"; Hippocrates. Our modern lifestyle and our eating choices - how and [...]

Intestinal health - mast cells and histamine

cover picture webinar on gut health with annic scholer

Gut health - mast cells and histamine What is it about We cordially invite you to our upcoming webinar, which will deal with the fascinating and important topic of "Gut health, mast cells and histamines". Join us as we dive into the world of the digestive system and learn how mast cells and histamines can have a significant impact on your health. Why is [...]


veganuary webinar cover picture with vegetables on a surface

Veganuary What it's about Veganuary is about the challenge of going vegan this January and making a conscious contribution to your health and the environment. In our webinar, we will explore together why more and more people around the world are opting for a vegan lifestyle. However, it is also important to eat a balanced and needs-based [...]

Trauma and peace - the search for security

contribution picture for webinar trauma

Trauma and peace - the search for security What is it about We all have them - the big and small wounds of life. Some heal well, some we don't even notice. Others leave deep scars or tear open again and again and turn life upside down. They exist in individual experiences and [...]

ADHD in focus: Holistic paths to a balanced life

webinar adhs cover picture

Yin - Your life flow What is it about? Do you feel addressed when you read the following? Chaos in your head, being driven and listless at the same time, constantly on the move, quickly distracted and having difficulty concentrating, depressive mood swings? Or do you already struggle with ADHD yourself and are still looking for a way to achieve more balance? ADHD not only affects children, [...]

Let's talk: Endometriosis

webinar endometriosis contribution picture

Let's talk: Endometriosis What is it about Endometriosis - the unrecognized women's disease. On average, women suffer for up to 10 years before it is recognized. It is important to raise awareness about endometriosis. Because menstrual pain is not the rule, but not all pain is caused by endometriosis. Endometriosis is a chronic disease in which cysts and inflammations develop on the [...]