Understanding Detoxification: Help your body eliminate environmental toxins

One hand holds a bubble with a green leaf, around it are lined up symbols of solar panels, light bulb, electricity, recycling, wind turbine

Understanding Detoxification: Support Your Body in Eliminating Environmental Toxins What's It About Environmental toxins are ubiquitous and can affect your health. In this webinar, you'll learn how to help your body detoxify. We will focus on the power of nutrition and how certain nutrients and plants can help to efficiently eliminate toxins [...]

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Healing Physical & Mental Causes

A person holds an artificial image of a thyroid gland in front of his neck

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Healing Physical & Mental Causes What's It About Welcome to our webinar on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis! In the next hour, we will delve into the world of this common autoimmune thyroid disease together. The informative journey will go from the basics to symptom management. Of particular interest: the psychological causes. Whether you are affected yourself [...]

Chronic Fatique - Exhausted to the cell

Chronic Fatigue - Exhaustion down to the cell Content Are you no longer as efficient? Do you need longer to regenerate? Sleep does not recover you? Are you constantly tired and exhausted? Do you often feel ill and are you more susceptible to infections? If your body is running on the back burner, this makes itself felt as a loss of energy and diffuse [...]

Physical symptoms - psychological causes

Physical Symptoms - Mental Causes Content You feel unwell, but don't know where it comes from? You would like to finally have some clarity about your current state of health? With our webinar we want to support you. You will learn why physical symptoms can have psychological causes. You will learn what the mental causes of the three classic common diseases [...]

Self-healing powers - Activate your inner doctor!

illustration picture

This is what awaits you in approx. 60 minutes webinar Self-Healing Powers - Activate Your Inner Doctor! Content Self-healing is the ability of the body to overcome disease states and become healthy again. We have all had wounds that heal on their own. This is a typical form of self-healing. Some circumstances, however, hinder such wound healing - for [...]

Your way to more inner strength, energy and joy of life!

woman by the sea stretches out arms and enjoys the wind inner strength Zimply Natural

This awaits you in approx. 60 minutes webinar Your way to more inner strength, energy and joy of life! Content Do you often feel overwhelmed? Everything stresses and annoys you? You would like to change something, but you are stuck and don't know where to start? The good news is - you are not alone! Claudia [...]