Rosemary branch that blooms
[Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus]

Rosemary: The warming through

Rosemary is one of the most important spice plants of the Mediterranean cuisine and also has a long tradition in more northern climes. It is immediately noticeable in the garden and in nature when passing by it, because the smell is unique and intense. Its warm balsamic scent immediately gives you a hint that it is about fiery themes such as love. 

Rosemary facts

Did you know that...

... rosemary belongs to the sage family since 2020 and is officially called Salvia rosmarinus?

... rosemary is one of the 4 important herbs mentioned in the song 'Scarborough Fair' by Simon and Garfunkel, originally from the 16th century?

... in the past the bridal wreath was woven from rosemary and still is in some regions?

... the rosemary protects itself with its essential oils against vermin?

What is rosemary?

Rosemary is a perennial semi-shrub with a growth height of up to 2 meters in optimal locations. It belongs to the labiates family and blooms in early spring. 

Except for its shoot tips, the bush is really woody, so they are used primarily. If necessary, cut the whole fresh shoot to the wood and use it. When you approach the rosemary, you immediately notice the strong aromatic smell, which is characteristic. 

The whole shrub makes a warm, fiery impression with its strong woodiness and intense essential oils. Since ancient times, probably even earlier, rosemary has been used in both medicine and cooking. For a long time it was not even separable. The humoralpathological doctors of the Romans issued dietary recommendations as medicinal applications. Rosemary was popular for its properties to warm, circulate and stimulate. Due to its essential oils, it was and still is an excellent incense plant. In the past, it was used as incense in fertility rituals, among other things. 

General and medicinal properties of rosemary

The basic knowledge


Rosemary is a warm plant. Its woody appearance and balsamic smell make this immediately noticeable.

Blood pressure increasing

Especially in the external application rosemary has earned merit. Due to the fact that it strongly stimulates the blood circulation of tissues with its essential oils, it is often used as a component of muscle ointments. Rosemary footbaths are very popular among women, as they banish cold feet and leave them smelling amazingly good.

Circulation stimulating

Its circulatory stimulating properties through the essential oils are a true gift for people who struggle with poor circulation and low blood pressure all their lives. Rosemary used internally can provide a much better quality of life here.


Its importance for relationships is undeniable. Rosemary has been considered a gentle aphrodisiac for centuries. It circulates the body, brings warmth to the tired flesh and the blood boils. Especially in pregnancy wishes, the pundit always reaches for rosemary, because it warms the abdomen and gets everything moving.


Rosemary is good for a sluggish digestion. An intestine supplied with rosemary is well supplied with blood and simply does its job better. The ancient doctors always believed that food should be your medicine. With rosemary, nothing comes easier than that. There is almost nothing edible that is not excellently seasoned with rosemary, whether meat or vegetables.

Rosemary Ingredients

Rosemary is a very aromatic plant. Its active ingredients can be smelled immediately. The concentration of the various active ingredients varies greatly from stem to stem.

You can find the following ingredients in rosemary:

  • Essential oils (1 - 2.5 %)
  • Terpene compounds such as cineole, borneol, camphor, verbenone
  • Tannins such as rosmarinic acid 8%
  • Bitters
  • Saponins
  • Resins

Rosemary: effect for body and mind

Rosmarinus officinale brings back the fire. Wherever there is a lack of blood circulation and warmth, rosemary should be thought of. This can be the cold feet, but also the sluggish stomach and intestines, which lack blood circulation, as well as the abdomen, where everything falters. Therefore, rosemary is often used for menstrual disorders, when the woman does not bleed enough. For this purpose rosemary tea should be drunk in the second half of the cycle. Directly related to this is the subject of pregnancy. If rosemary is taken in the first half of the cycle, as a tea or capsules, it stimulates ovulation and promotes blood flow to the ovaries.

A warm and vital body also revives the soul. The vitalizing properties of rosemary drive away the blues and bring zest into everyday life. Especially patients with low blood pressure know what it's like to feel listless and lacking in energy. It hits the mind. This is exactly what rosemary is perfect for and should definitely be used!

Properties of Rosmarinus officinalis

  • Circulating
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Warming
  • Fertility enhancing
  • Circulation stimulating
  • Blood pressure increasing
  • Digestive

Fields of application in naturopathy

[Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus]

Basically, rosemary is always about blood circulation, invigoration and warming. But it is interesting with what different topics the rosemary is therefore successfully used.

Rosemary for poor circulation and hypotension

Due to the fact that it is THE means to promote blood circulation, it is used for circulatory weaknesses and patients with low blood pressure (hypotension). Especially the contained camphor is here the ingredient that works wonders. Camphor taken internally tightens vascular tone and stimulates the heart. The result is a better and faster blood flow and thus an increase in blood pressure and vitality.

Rosemary for abdominal pain / digestive problems

Here, too, the blood circulation-promoting effect of camphor and cineole helps. The gastrointestinal tract also has good and bad days and Its performance is not always the same. It is important that the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and its muscles are well supplied with blood. This is exactly where rosemary comes in. It gently but intensely perfuses the structures and, with the increased blood flow, improves both the activity of the digestive glands and the mobility of the digestive organs. Remember, the stomach is a muscle and muscles love to have blood flow!

Rosmarinus officinale for muscle and joint pain

Our muscles and their functionality are largely dependent on the pH value of the muscle. If you put a lot of strain on the muscle, its pH value drops and you experience pain, mild inflammation and tension. The muscle now needs the body's own sodium hydrogen carbonate to rebalance its pH value. This is transported by the blood. Therefore, it makes sense to increase the blood flow to the muscle. External rubs with rosemary oil strongly promote blood circulation and thus the regeneration of the muscle.

The situation with joints is that they are basically passive and quite poorly supplied. Patients with chronic joint arthrosis in particular often have start-up pain in cold conditions because there is not enough synovial fluid. Rosemary again promotes blood circulation, the joint becomes warm and the joint's metabolism is activated. Thus, the joint is better lubricated again and running more comfortable.

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Rosmarinus officinale for menstrual cramps such as hypomenorrhea

Rosemary finds its application especially in the case of too weak menstruation with little bleeding. It is taken in the second half of the cycle as a component of special medicines or drunk classically as a tea. The blood circulation-promoting effect of camphor, cineole and the astringent bitter substances supports the body in achieving a normal, sensible level of bleeding. 

Rosemary for rheumatic complaints

Many rheumatism patients suffer from immobility due to stiffness and pain. The warming and circulation-promoting effect of rosemary helps to become more mobile again. In addition, rosemary also has the advantage externally in muscle, joint problems and rheumatic diseases that it has an analgesic effect due to its complex of active ingredients.

Rosemary for frigidity

Frigidity is understood today as the loss of sexual desire. Directly translated, the term is derived from Latin frigidus = cold and thus describes a coldness of the abdomen in men and women. This coldness leads to unwillingness and perhaps infertility in both sexes. Rosemary promotes blood circulation and thus brings back warmth. To counteract frigidity, rosemary can be added liberally to food, drunk as a tea, or taken (together) in full baths with rosemary oil. The warmth of rosemary thus displaces the cold in the abdomen and brings back the desire!


Notes on the use of rosemary

Rosmarinus officinale is associated with the sun in spagyric. In spagyric, solar preparations have a circulatory, cardiovascular and warming effect. This effect is used, for example, in hypotension. Rosemary is associated with the sun in spagyric, as well as the heart and circulation. Joint inflammation, intestinal disorders with flatulence and cramps; 

Below you will find instructions on how to take rosemary.

Rosemary during pregnancy and lactation

Due to its strong blood circulation stimulating effect, the consumption of rosemary during pregnancy is not recommended. It is believed that the blood circulation-enhancing effect could provoke an abortion. 

During breastfeeding, on the other hand, the mother can eat or otherwise ingest rosemary in usual quantities. 

Used externally as a foot bath or rub, there is no danger. Here, the rosemary can be used without hesitation.

Rosmarinus officinale and hypertension

Since rosemary has an astringent and circulation-enhancing effect, it is successfully used for low-pressure patients. However, the hypertensive patient should be careful for this very reason. His vessels are usually already constricted and rosemary would only exacerbate the problem. 

Rosemary and sleep disorders

Very sensitive people should be careful not to use rosemary towards evening. Its stimulating effect, also as a component of aromatherapy, e.g. by fragrance lamp, can cause sleep to fail. Such applications should then be carried out until a maximum of 4 pm, so that the effect weakens again towards night. 

Rosemary branch that blooms

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Green rosemary branch against white background



Botanical name

Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia rosmarinus

Plant family


Other designations

Wedding dress, wedding bleaml, sea dew


March - April

Harvest time

All year round, best on warm days


sunny, warm, sheltered places



Flower color

blue purple, light blue, pink, white

Flower shape

tubular lip flowers

Leaf color


Leaf shape

acicular, narrow

Sheet properties

evergreen, many oil glands

Soil type

stony to loamy, gravelly, permeable

Soil moisture

moderately dry to fresh


alkaline to slightly acidic

Lime compatibility


Nutrient requirements




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