Potassium chloratum
[Kalium chloratum]

Kalium chloratum: The salt of the mucous membranes

Kalium chloratum is the salt of mucous membranes and the second stage of inflammation. It prevents the coagulation of fibrin, the tissue glue of the body, and keeps it in solution. The inflammations of the second stage, secrete whitish mucus and swell with effusions. Kalium chloratum is also used to relieve the lymph, as it allows wound healing to proceed in a regulated manner and ensures that no adhesions lead to hardening and loss of function of the tissues.

Facts about potassium chloratum

Did you know that...

... potassium chloride is used as a flavor enhancer?
... potassium chloride is used as a fertilizer in agriculture?
... potassium chloride in concentrated form is the active ingredient in lethal injection in the USA?

Potassium salt: Chemical background

Potassium chloride is a crystalline, colorless solid that is easily soluble in water. The solution tastes from sweetish to bitter. Potassium chloride is largely obtained from carnallite by evaporation. Potassium chloride plays an important role in the food industry. As food additive E508, potassium chloride is used both as a firming agent and as a flavor enhancer. It also plays an important role in the fertilizer industry. Potassium chloride is used here as a starting material for the production of potash fertilizer. Because it lowers the melting point of water, it is also used as road salt in winter to melt ice and snow. Potassium chloride is more commonly found in medicine. It is both a component of isotonic Ringer's solutions to stabilize osmotic pressures in the blood, for example. More concentrated infusions are also applied in pneumology. Here, potassium chloride solutions are used to protect the alveoli from irreversible adhesions in the course of pneumonia.

General and healing properties of Kalium chloratum

The basic knowledge

Adhesive dissolving

Kalium chloratum dissolves adhesions. The body produces fibrin as a repair substance for the body. As part of the healing process, this can run excessively and lead to adhesions. Potassium chloratum dissolves the excessive adhesions and keeps fibrin in solution.

Inflammatory organizing

Kalium chloratum organizes inflammation. In the second stage of inflammation swelling and effusion occur. Fibrin is washed up to heal the wound. Kalium chloratum organizes this healing process so that it is not excessive.


Kalium chloratum relieves the lymph. By organizing and optimizing the healing processes, it relieves the lymph. Immune processes burden less, cost the body less energy and can be overcome more quickly.

Potassium salt properties

  • solvent
  • organizing
  • anti-inflammatory
  • digestive
  • heart strengthening
  • Softening

Kalium sulfuricum: effect for body and mind

Kalium sulfuricum is the salt of elimination and the 3rd stage of inflammation. In this stage of inflammation, the body melts broken cells, immune complexes and pathogen residues into pus and discharges this from the body. If something chronifies at this stage, it is deficient in Kalium sulfuricum and the body cannot complete the process of transporting it outward. At the cellular level, sulfur stimulates the activity of mitochondria and purifies the cell.

Storage locations of potassium chloratum

  • All cells
  • Blood
  • Blood cells

Symptoms of potassium salt deficiency

  • Mucous cough
  • Bronchitis
  • White tongue coating
  • Inflammations
  • Wound healing disorders
  • Couperose
  • Glandular swellings
  • Tendency to overweight
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Adhesions to muscles and ligaments

Fields of application in naturopathy

[Kalium chloratum]

The areas of application are derived from the basic importance of potassium chloride in metabolism. 

These include:

Potassium salt for cough & cold

Cough and cold usually classically pass through the inflammatory stages. In the second stage, the nose flows and the bronchi become slimy. The mucus contains a lot of fibrin. If the cold falters, the action can become stuck, the bronchial tubes become very slimy, and a chronic sinusitis can become established. Kalium chloratum keeps the fibrin in solution so that the mucus can drain. The cold heals unspectacularly no medium-term consequences remain.

Kalium chloratum for swellings

Swelling occurs in the context of injuries. The body increases blood flow to bring in repair substances. Direct bleeding or too much swelling can cause the tissue to stick together. One notices functional limitations and the event becomes chronic. Kalium chloratum ensures that the injury heals, but the tissue does not become excessively stuck together. Thus it remains functional and subsequent problems do not occur.

Potassium salt for immune deficiency & allergies

Immune deficiencies and allergies tend to become chronic. They produce inflammations that are not finally healed and remain stuck in the second stage. The mucous membranes are thus constantly burdened and slimy. Kalium chloratum helps to overcome this stage so that the process can heal and the immune system recovers.
woman reaches for lemon - peppers and other fruit and vegetables on the worktop

Potassium salt for wound healing

When wounds heal, fibrin serves to glue the tissue until it is replaced by connective tissue. Sometimes the body means it a little too well and the adhesion is so strong that it causes problems itself. Kalium chloratum now ensures that the excess fibrin is released and the adhesion disappears again. The function of the tissue is restored and wound healing can proceed as usual.

Kalium sulfuricum for cystitis

Bladder infections can become chronic. This means that the infection is never properly overcome and the patient always notices inflammatory irritation. Kalium sulfuricum detoxifies the mucous membranes and stimulates the process to become acute again. Subsequently, the inflammation can heal cleanly and the discomfort will pass again.

Kalium chloratum for skin problems

Skin problems are sometimes manifestations in the context of chronic inflammation. This means internal inflammation is stuck in the second stage. Kalium chloratum now helps the inflammation to come out of its chronification, organizes the healing and leads the inflammation into healing. As a result, the rash disappears and the body can finally regenerate.
Young woman with very clear skin after a shower

Notes on the use of potassium chloratum

Kalium chloratum can be applied locally as an ointment. It is usually taken in tablet form as a cure over defined periods of time with multiple daily doses. In some cases, infusions with potassium chloride are clinically prescribed.

Potassium salt in pregnancy & lactation

Even during pregnancy and lactation, the intake of potassium chloratum is not a problem.
Potassium chloratum

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Potassium chloratum


Potassium chloratum


Potassium chloratum




Potassium chloride

Occurrence in the body

All cells, blood cells

Application area

Inflammations 2nd stage, mucous membranes

Typical potency


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