
Verbena with light pink blues and green stem in nature

Vervain: Known miracle herb of antiquity Vervain used to be one of the most important herbs and today only ekes out a shadowy existence. Most people are probably more familiar with lemon verbena from herbal teas, but vervain is a very important plant in phytotherapy! In the past, it was even considered sacred and was an important component of many cultic ceremonies! They [...]

Annual mugwort

fresh green leaves of annual mugwort

Annual mugwort: Highly effective against infections The annual mugwort originally comes from Asia. There it was revered as a great remedy, but fell into oblivion. It was not until the 1970s that mugwort was rediscovered as a remedy in Asia and is now considered very important. In our latitudes, mugwort has been traditionally used in medicine for centuries [...]

True meadowsweet

Real corn sweetness with white buds and leaves

True meadowsweet: sweet-smelling medicinal plant Even among the Celts meadowsweet was considered one of the great sacred plants. Its effect is very similar to the effect of willow and both were, until the invention of aspirin, the medicinal plants for mild rheumatic pain. Meadowsweet makes girls sweet. An obvious connection, since it drives away even stubborn headaches. In fact [...]

True sage

Sage plant

True sage: the medicinal plant for viruses, bacteria & fungi Sage has been one of the great medicinal plants of phytotherapy since the Middle Ages at the latest. It was often used to treat fevers and digestive tract disorders. As an incense, it was used to purify the air of bad odors and disease-causing spirits. Today it is mainly used for inflammation of the mouth and throat [...]


Peony: Much more than an ornamental plant The peony certainly had its heyday as a medicinal plant in the Middle Ages. In this era, it was considered the remedy of choice for various indications. It used to be the remedy of choice for gout, which is why it is known as the gout rose even today. In addition, it was considered the remedy of the Divine disease, the [...]

Lily of the Valley

white lily of the valley blooming with green leaves in background

Lily of the Valley: Much more than a beautiful ornamental plant The lily of the valley is a real feast for the eyes. With its beautiful white bells and elfin appearance, it enchants us anew every spring. But this plant has it all. Since the 15th century, lily of the valley has been used as a remedy for heart problems with water retention. The effectiveness here comes from a [...]


butterbur pink and white flower

Butterbur: medicinal plant with a long tradition Butterbur is a medicinal plant with a long history. Even the Romans used the plant to treat malignant ulcers. In the Middle Ages, its effectiveness against the plague was attributed to it. From this time comes its current name without ever being shown to have an effect against Yersinia pestis. [...]


Yellow dandelion with green background

Dandelion: The healing wild plant The dandelion is certainly one of the largest and most important medicinal plants in our habitat - it is a so-called polychrest, a many-use plant. Its various folk names already hint a little at its effects. Some call it bedstraw and piss carnation, because it has a diuretic effect. Others call it milk stick, [...].


Okoubaka brown bark

Okoubaka: Power from the bark of the Okoubaka tree Okoubaka aubrevillei is a tree native to West Africa. Its reddish-greyish bark is used medicinally. In ancient tribes, this was harvested by the medicine man as part of a sacred ritual and then prepared for the village. Usually one simply took the ground bark or made a decoction [...]

Monk's pepper

Monk pepper bloom on a meadow

Monk's pepper: from the monastery to gynecology Today, chaste tree mud is mainly used to treat hormonal disorders such as some forms of acne, menstrual cramps, PMS, menopausal symptoms and breast sensitivity. However, the plant also plays a prominent role in fertility treatment. The plant's greatest strength lies in its balancing effect on various important hormones. Monk's pepper is [...]

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