Goldenseal root

Goldenseal root Hydrastis canadensis

Goldenseal root: The sourthorn of North America The medicinal plant Hydrastis is one of the important remedies in homeopathy and is actually used too rarely. As a medicinal plant, it is not so popular in our latitudes. However, this is not due to its enormous potential. In liver and digestive tract diseases, it is actually one of the most important medicinal plants. However, the medicinal properties of its [...]


Gold lacquer close up

Golden violet: The golden shimmering medicinal plant Golden violet is an almost forgotten medicinal plant today. It enjoyed great popularity in the Middle Ages and was part of medicinal and ornamental gardens. It was sung about in many places in the songs of minstrels, not only because of its healing power, but also because of its beauty, which was usually associated with the beloved. Facts [...]

Ginkgo tree

ginkgo tree with leaf on branch

Ginkgo tree: the millennium-old medicinal plant The ginkgo tree has a long tradition in Asia and has been a successful re-import for many years. It decorates many gardens and parks in our country and has also found its place in medicine. Especially for neurological issues in the broadest sense, the ginkgo is often used in practice [...].

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle on a meadow

Milk Thistle: The Queen of Thistles Milk Thistle is truly a splendor! With a height of up to 150cm, it can also reach a considerable size. Already in ancient times it was used to treat liver complaints of various kinds. In the Middle Ages, the thistle was associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary, because the milk of the Virgin Mary on the [...]


yellow skullcap that blossoms with green leaves

Celandine: The "weed" as a medicinal plant Celandine is a very widespread plant in our country, which is everywhere on the roadside. It is bright and friendly in appearance with its yellow flowers and is often confused with buttercups. It is clearly one of the great medicinal plants we have. For liver and gall bladder diseases, celandine is a true gift of the [...]

Poison ivy

Poison ivy grows between paving stones

Poison ivy: poisonous plant with healing properties Poison ivy is native to North America and is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. In English-speaking countries, it is known and feared as Poison Ivy. Even young children are drilled to recognize it and not to touch it. Skin contact with it can cause worse inflammation with blistering and causes terrible pain. [...]


Angelica with small, white leaves

Angelica: the archangel among plants Angelica is a plant used since ancient times, but mainly in northern Europe. Therefore, there are hardly any traditions concerning its use at that time. From the Middle Ages onwards, it is repeatedly found as a component of bitter elixirs. These so-called theriaks had a metabolism-activating and digestive effect, but were often used as a panacea [...]

Red foxglove

Red foxglove Digitalis purpurea

Red foxglove: The medicinal plant for the heart Foxglove is one of the great medicinal plants in our latitudes. Both in naturopathy and in clinical medicine, the plant finds its highly specific application. In ancient times, its use was limited to magical rituals, but since the end of the 18th century, its true potential as a heart medicine was recognized [...]

Horse chestnut

horse chestnut in bowl with foliage in background

Horse chestnut: the medicinal plant from autumn The horse chestnut is a very common tree in southern Germany. Especially in traditional, Bavarian beer gardens it is much represented because of its shade-giving properties, basically it is considered a popular park tree. In the timber industry, the chestnut does not play a major role. It is only partially used as furniture wood for invisible components. According [...]


Rosemary branch that blooms

Rosemary: Warming through rosemary is one of the most important spice plants of the Mediterranean cuisine and also has a long tradition in more northern climes. It is immediately noticeable in the garden and in nature when passing by it, because the smell is unique and intense. Its warm balsamic scent immediately gives you a clue that it is about fiery [...]

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